Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Technology Survey Reveals Funding and Integration into Classroom Biggest Challenges

Preparedness of New Teachers Also a Concern
from TechLearning.com
Denver, CO – October 27 – Funding for technology and integrating technology into the classroom rank among the biggest challenges that school districts face in the area of technology, according to a survey issued today by the National School Boards Association (NSBA) at the organization’s annual T+L² Conference here.

While 63 percent of the respondents judged that their school district’s curriculum was excellent or good in preparing students for the 21st century, 85 percent noted that their new teachers were only somewhat prepared or not prepared in effectively integrating technology into the classroom.

“While we know that funding is always a top issue, I believe this survey shows that school districts have a lot of work to do in the area of professional development to help teachers understand how to use technology tools to enhance student learning and performance,” said Anne L. Bryant, NSBA executive director. “It also speaks clearly to the need for colleges of education to get their students up to speed on using new teaching technology tools.”

NSBA conducted an e-mail survey the week of October 17 of approximately 1,500 registrants of the T+L² Conference, which included technology specialists, teachers, administrators, and school board members. More than 400 registrants replied to the survey.

Overwhelmingly, nearly 90 percent of respondents said that the use of technology in the classroom has increased educational opportunities for students, as evidenced by their students being more engaged in learning (92 percent), having a stronger ability to communicate (50 percent), and possessing increased critical thinking skills (49 percent). Respondents reported that less visible evidence is improved performance on tests (31 percent).

Although 78 percent of respondents said that home access to the Internet was a problem for their low-income students, only 10 percent said that closing the digital divide was a challenge for their districts. Among those respondents who said home access was a problem, 46 percent noted that access was available for these students at community centers. However many noted that their districts were not currently taking any steps to improve home access.

Regarding federal technology programs, 68 percent said that the E-Rate program has been very important or somewhat important in helping their districts set and meet technology goals, yet 54 percent noted that the application process needed to be improved.

When asked about Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) funding, 41 percent of respondents considered the program very important or somewhat important. Of those who do receive EETT funding, 61 percent use the money to support faculty/staff professional development, while 53 percent use it for classroom instruction.

Other findings include:

Nearly 38 percent of respondents said that their school district offers one-to-one learning initiatives (such as laptops or PalmPilots), with 48 percent reporting that those initiatives have been in place between one to two years.

Nearly 54 percent of respondents said that their district has students enrolled in online virtual classes. Of those respondents, nearly 47 percent said that district employees were delivering the virtual education courses, while 30 percent reported delivery by a commercial provider.
Complete survey results may be found at http://www.nsba.org/site/doc.asp?CID=1591&DID=37028

Founded in 1940, the National School Boards Association is a not-for profit federation of state associations of school boards representing 95,000 local school board members throughout the United States. Its mission is to foster excellence and equity in public elementary and secondary education through local school board leadership. NSBA represents the school board perspective in working with federal government agencies and national organizations that impact education, and provides vital information and services to state associations of school boards throughout the nation.


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